Purchase your FlockYard Kit here!

Each kit includes 50 birds, a promotional sign, a press release that you can customize, a custom webpage and a sample card/note you can use to leave at each of the houses you flock.

If you are a PTP registrant or an existing fundraiser with your own page, please use the email address that you signed up with.
I agree to my email above being used to deliver FlockYard requests from my custom webpage(Required)
Shipping address for your FlockYard Package(s)
If you are an existing fundraiser with your own page, please give us your fundraising page link so we can easily give you credit for your flocking
Each kit includes 50 birds, a promotional sign, a press release that you can customize, a custom webpage and a sample card/note you can use to leave at each of the houses you flock.
All FlockYard Packages will be shipped to the same address listed above.